Dancing Shoes

Dance School

Home of the Wild cheerleader & Little Star Dance

  Ottershaw                             Guildford   

 (At Brookhall)                                                                                     (Skoke Pub Hall)


 Little Star Dance                              Wild Cheerleader

Our original devised and developed                                           Our Classes,teams & Squads in cheer is specifically for childern under 6 years old.                                  from 5 years to adult.The classes help   This is dune by story telling for Tap & ballet.                                      build confidence & friendship.                                   


Our classes have the coolist dance move which combines Hip-hop & pop beat. Its a great way to stay fit and healthy , To have FUN and make new friends. Classes from 4 years and up.


Total beginners welcome

Encouraging quality dance instruction in Tap, Modern, Streetdance & Ballet. Some classes can be started from 3 years old. Qualfied teachers and coaches.

                                                For more Information or a Brochre                                                                  Tell: 01932 349664      



Monday Classes - At SToke Pub Hal Guildford, Stoke Road

Tuesday Classes - At Brookhall Ottersaw, Brox Road.







 Dance Shoes 

Dance School


Time Table


Monday - Guildford

3.30 - 4.15 Baby Tap & Ballet

4.15 - 5.00 Streetdance

5.00 - 6.30 Cheerleading


Tuesday - Brookhall (Ottershaw Villiage Hall)

2.25 - 3.30 Baby Tap & Ballet

3.30 - 4.15 prepartory Tap & Ballet

4.15 - 5.00 Primary Tap & Ballet

4.00 - 5.00 Grade 1Tap & Ballet

5.00 - 5.45 Streetdance JR

5.45 - 6.30 Streetdance


Adults Classe coming soon.

We have new classes Starting soon.


Please Contact me on; 01932 349664

ask for Angela (Dance Teacher)




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